Trees provide a natural dose of preventive medicine
Creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive urban forest leads to a happier and healthier “you and me.” Engaging community support from businesses, families and youth, Forest the Fort works to improve access to nature and green spaces.
Collecting critical data on the current state of Fort Wayne’s urban forest is paramount to the success of this program. Once this study is complete the findings will help prioritize purposeful plantings in local neighborhoods that need it the most.

The canopy needs to be distributed equally throughout the entire community in order for all residents to realize the full benefits of a strong and healthy urban forest.
In addition to facilitating neighborhood tree plantings, Forest the Fort will lead local tree giveaways for area residents. Growing canopy on private property is an important part of a robust urban forest. These giveaway programs are one way to increase tree cover, remove price barriers, and provide quality trees for residents. Our goal is to get trees planted in locations with the best opportunity to reach their full potential.